If your name is on the below list, thanks for committing to play roller hockey with us this Sunday Night from 9:00PM until 10:30PM!. We are playing at Midwest Sport Hockey in Queeny Park. Directions found here.
Please bring a white jersey/shirt and a dark jersey/shirt. Please avoid gray/yellow jerseys! Avoiding gray and yellow definitely helps the goalies.
Cash will no longer be accepted. You now must pay your $10 via Venmo to my account, which is @jasonmillersrh (last 4 digits of my phone number are 1177). Do not pay until this coming Sunday. Please put your name in the comments and mention SRH so I know what the payment is for. Please, no silly messages as I don't want any confusion about who has paid.
You can also tap here to get directly to my Venmo account.
You could end up playing for free if you bring someone with you to keep score! Just be the first person to introduce me to your scorekeeper friend for the evening and consider yourself paid! Also, if your friend would like credit for a night played on the call list, then just have them let me know!
Acting like an asshole to anyone including the referee, players on the other team or your teammates can get you permanently removed from SRH. This has happened before.
If your name is not on the below list, then I'm sorry to inform you that you will not be playing roller hockey with our group this week due to one of the following reasons:
- You declined to play.
- I was unable to get in contact with you as I went down my call list.
- This week's session filled before I got to your name on my call list.
You may hear from me if any spots open up before we play on Sunday. Openings created by player cancellation(s) will be posted on the SRH facebook page. You will not receive a text message about player openings created by player cancellations. Let me know if you would like to be added to that page. Please keep in mind that showing up to help keep score while we play can move you up the list without actually playing. If you'd like to be removed from my Sunday Roller Hockey call list, please respond and let me know.
Thanks for your interest and look for another text message from me next week.
***The Start Time for 2/16/25 is 9:00PM***
***Please read the text above as some things have changed***
2/16/25 | Referee |
Scott Gordon |
***The Start Time for 2/16/25 is 9:00PM***
2/16/25 | Skaters |
1 | Jason Miller |
2 | Scott McGillicuddy |
3 | Mike Hampshire |
4 | Kyle Datillo |
5 | Jeff Ponder |
6 | Deno Okain |
7 | Jamie Aromando |
8 | Mike Teasdale |
9 | Mick Adams |
10 | Jon Henry |
11 | Greg Hotard |
12 | Tony Miller |
13 | Marc Aguilar |
14 | Travis King |
15 | Kyle Lovell |
*16* | Empty |
*This spot filled by weighted lottery.*
2/16/25 | Goalies |
*1* | Scott Kincaid |
*2* | Dave Lipscomb |
*This spot filled by weighted lottery.*
***The Start Time for 2/16/25 is 9:00PM***
***If you aren't friends with Jason Miller on Facebook, please remedy
that situation so you can be added to our SRH Facebook group!***